
Saturday 12th fell going to rugby. Sunday 13rd headache started. Monday 14th impossible to do anything. Call of the ambulance Waiting in St JoSEPH 7 hours upto 4am Tuesday 15th Ping pong between Bremen Ost et St josef. Ending in Bremen Oost. Making the first MRT Suspicion of blood in the brain Ambulance with siren […]

Katerina’s headache continue

Katerina can’t stand up and spent 24h in bed. Painkillers and others pills don’t make any effect anymore. First time in my life I call an ambulance. Third time hospital for Katerina

Finnally at home

On the 1st of december Katerina can leave the hospital. Finally at home! Katerina temperature is better but the headaches are the same. We went to Ashley’s diner in order to change our mind. It was a really nice evening but the headache and tiredness for us to leave it early. On Monday 7th, we

3 days in hospital…

Our fear became real… Katerina needed a 2nd surgery to get rid of an infection. This means general anesthesy and 2 days of monitoring at the hospital. After the surgery the doctors confirmed the necessity of the intervention and confessed that they found a 5cm x 2cm piece of placenta plus other remaining things from

8 days at the clinic

After the strong moment in the op-block, we have Zoé in our arms. The greek side of the family is there to enjoy this special moment. After very difficult days Katerina is tired but happy. Zoé is having a little bit of jaundice so she will spend 12 hours under the UV lamp. Normally the

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