Zoe goes shopping avec les katerinas

Katerina, cousin Katerina and Zoe go shopping in Karstadt. Cousin Katerina buys to Zoe her first small piano and several small music toys. After shopping, the cousins and Zoe go to  Cafe Alex where Zoe again impresses everyone by her beauty ! After shopping, we find Mathieu at home and we have a very nice […]

Olia & Johnny paying a visit

Arriving at the aiport with -6°C the love birds are directly put to the Bremen mood. We made a little detour instead of going straight home to show them a little bit of the city by car. Monday morning is Mathieu’s the first day at work for 2016. A lot of progress was made on the

Julian nene Quiroga

7-10 Janurary Julian for the first time in Bremen. Unfortunately Katerina is still in hospital. On Friday, Mami Cathy baby-sits Zoe for few hours and we manage to go out in the old part of Bremen for diner and few beers. Saturday was a good day to try the Schweinhaxe with the traditional 1L maßbier.

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