Baptism of our Orestis!

On 11th September the baptism of our Orestis took place in Saint Trinity church in Kifissia. Poor Orestis cried a lot even before the arrival to the church. Amorcitos were very stylish with the super suit and dress and zoe stole all eyes once more !

Amoureux weekend in Cap-Ferret

On Friday 2nd September los amorcitos went for the last weekend in France to join Stephan and Eva at their house in Cap Ferret. The way there was 3 hours. When amorcitos arrived they had nice dinner all together and then jin at a bar close to the sea.  The next day Stephan and Mathieu prepared


The departure is driven by Zoé’s nap. We plan to stop in Rocamadour. The place is very beautiful. We arrive just on time for the show of Eagle, Hawk, Vulture, Parrots… Then we go directly to Saint Jal to assist our first concert of  Trois Cafés Gourmands

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