Contact in Germany

1) Also recommended by Dr. Rallatos Doctor recommended: Dr. Norbert Bornfeld Tel: 0049 201  72335 69 Email   2) Universitatsklinikum UKE Augenheilklinik Hamburg Dr. Skevas (to help further contacts) Tel:  +49 (0) 40 7410 – 52350 : +49 (0) 40 7410 – 53113 Most important: Prof. Nicole Stübiger Email: Tel: (via Dr. Skevas hopefully […]

Contact in the US for ocular oncology

Willis Eye Hospital in Philadelphia Top doctor in the world recommended by Rallatos: Dr. Carol Shields Contact with Dr. Shields via Ms. Maria Pefkianaki Tel: +121 58339384  

Zoé’s Uveitis

Since mid of december Zoé is fighting an inflamation in the left eye. Everything started around the time when she also had a rhynopharingyte/angyne. Mathieu saw her waking up one day with dry things from her know on a hair on the left side. This due of the coughing in bed and sleeping on her

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