2 years old celebration
On Saturday it was Katerina s name day. Her Greek friends brought her a present On Sunday we celebrated Zoé’s 2nd birthday with one week delay.
Happy 2nd birthday our love . 1st party ; )
Second birthday of our treasure! Zoe celebrated her birthday with her friends at Toddlers wearing her crone and in the afternoon she made and baked cookies with mama. ! Super mess but we enjoyed a lot ! Papa gave to Zoe her birthday gift, the Autobahn carpet for her room. Miam miam cake with mama
27th – 31st October
Papou and Mamou came to visit us in Bremen It was Mamou’s birthday on the 28th of October. We went to Freimarkt. Zoe was a bit scared at first and then really like it. We went to Unisee with rainy weather. And the last night we went to Akropolis to eat Greek food and see