Last session went wery well. I will refer to all our activities so you know what kind of vocabulary we used, and of course so you have the chance to make any comments you need to on our activities. It is part of my job to care about your wishes .
Zoe spoke English since I got there. I brought her my favorite toy , my blue monkey , and she brougt her monkey toy too. Zoe asked me to play the pirate game , wich we made up on our second session . In this game we are supposed to be dolphins in the sea (meaning Zoe’s ball pit ) and once Zoe ”hears” the pirate ship she has to say The pirates are coming and we have to go ” underwater”. During being underwater I ask Zoe details about the ship ( like how many pirate are there, how do they look etc.). Once the pirates are gone Zoe has to say The pirates are gone .
Later on we played monkey football, making our mokney toys to throw each other a plastic ball of specific colour .
Most of the time we played a cooking game. Zoe cooked a chocolate cake and we called our familly members on the phone (Zoe’s fake telephone in the basement ) to tell them so.Zoe had to name the ingredients, so we used lots of new words there. Zoe also wanted to make ice cream for my brother Leo, and she asked my cousin Anna- Fay to come from England by car to play with us.So,If you visit the basement you will find your names on the speed dial of Zoe’s fake telephone ( once I explaned what ”those buttons are for” she picked a person for each speed dial button )
An the and of the session Zoe had her favorite meal, plain pasta , and we shared a story about me and her cousin Nefeli visiting the zoo and feeding ducks and zebras (of course we avoided the lions because Zoe is scared of them). We also made plans for the next session ; we plan to sing Gingle Bells and read her book about Santa .Maybe we write our own christmass story about our monkey toys.During getting me to the train by car , Zoe spotted a sign with a medical cross on it , so she said Hospital ! . We also spotted the baby dentist and the pet shop. I was really glad to see her willing to speak English until I left.
I’ll be very happy to visit your place next Friday.I also thank you for asking your parents to get me to the train station the other day.I really appreciate it, you are all very kind. I heard you are visiting a christmass exhibition in Gazi today , so I hope you’re having a great time. Have a wonderfull weekend.
Kind regards,
Maria E