Arrival in Kéa

Unload the car that was full from exellent packing in kifisia and organise the kitchen.

Then cleaning and fixing the swimming pool. Panos wrote some instructions but we end up learning by doing.

Then make the elavator running to bring our luggage first floor.

Zoé is not making things easier but she is still a good baby taking into account the traveling before.

Not so bad for a first day.

Second day dedicated to organise our room and a playground for Zoé in the TV room. Also second session of pool cleaning now that I understood how the robot works. The sun is already hitting hard and I have some colors after 20min…

We discover that both Olive’s trees are dead and unrooted :-/ let see what we will do to fix that.

Zoé has her first plouf in the pool around 19h30 when the sun is not so strong.

We start to sleep many hours per day. We are finnally relaxing.